Thursday, December 12, 2013

KYR: Bot Lane ADC Teamfight Phase Guide

Know Your Role: Bot Lane ADC Teamfight Phase

The Teamfight Phase

Imagine something for me. You're 2-2 and in your final promotional match to move up a league. Laning went fine, but your top gave them 4 kills. All the other lanes stayed even with each other, but you're scared of that Volibear diving you like crazy. He may have even already killed you once or twice. As an ADC, this is your do or die moment. This is the reason why you're the carry. Your job now is to carry your team to a win. The teamfighting phase is where it all matters. 

In the scenario I've given you above, you're under the most pressure in what seems like an already stressful game. Instead of panicking, I implore you to take a deep breath, think about your next engage, don't get caught alone, and decide what's the best strategy to win this very much winnable game. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

KYR: Bot Lane ADC Roaming Phase

Know Your Role: Bot Lane ADC

The Roaming Phase

Alright, your first towers went down and now the opposition is moving around the map. You've gone through the laning phase as best you can, and now you don't know what to do. In a lot of lower elo games this is where people get confused with what you're supposed to do. Here in this guide, I plan to clarify a couple things about the roaming phase that will allow you to not only correctly transition into the roaming phase, but also the steps you take so that when then the teamfighting phase starts you're not completely irrelevant. 

In some games with specific team comps, the roaming phase is where you want to close out games. In the rest of the games, the roaming phase is where you snowball your lead higher or play catch up so you can deal damage when teamfights start. Let's get started!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

PBE Update 12/6: Yasuo, The Unforgiven Login Screen

Be sure to check out our first look at the new League of Legends champion: Yasuo, The Unforgiven!

PBE Update: Winter Wonderland Lulu, Snow Day Singed, Snow Storm Sivir, and High Noon Yasuo

Check out the new splash art for the new skins upcoming winter skins! Along with this update, they're going to change a few of the Summoner Spell icons. Take a look below!

Summoner Spell Icons

Winter Wonder Lulu

You get a poro instead of a pixie. That's right. A PORO.

Snow Day Singed

He runs around with a toboggan. Lol,

Snow Storm Sivir

Quite possibly the best splash art Sivir has ever gotten. Ever.

High Noon Yasuo

Yasuo's second skin on release. 

In addition to the new skins, there is going to be a new "Showdown" mode, featuring a 1v1 on Howling Abyss. Right now it's first one to 100 CS, First Blood, or first turret kill. I'll be sure to post more when I'm done testing it out. Be sure to check back to see more PBE updates!

Friday, December 6, 2013

KYR: Bot Lane ADC Laning Phase Guide

Know Your Role - Bot Lane ADC

Laning Phase

Quick tip: Turn on "Show Auto Attack Range" in settings. That is your zone!

Everyone has to do it to a certain extent in the League of Legends. Laning is one of three very important phases in the game, and will set the tone for the rest of the game, especially in solo queue. We're going to take a look at what you should be striving for while laning, different lane positions you can take to trade or farm, the importance of last hitting, basic jungle and support synergy, and strategies for taking objectives. Let's call ADC and head bot with your support in this new guide: Know Your Role, Bot Lane ADC Laning Phase.

Monday, December 2, 2013

KYR: Bot Lane ADC Basic Builds

Know Your Role - Bot Lane ADC

Itemization and Builds

One of the original ADCs
Being an Attack Damage Carry, or ADC will keep you on your toes throughout the whole game. During the laning phase you will have to focus on last hitting minions, trading/harassing, and not dying. One of the many reasons why you have a support with you is because you're an integral part of the team mid to late game, and making sure you get fed so you can clear the way to the enemy nexus is very important. Here are a couple basic builds and build paths to help you pwn in League of Legends.

Note: I was going to include everything you need to know about Bot Lane ADCs in a single post, but it got so long I have to split them up into separate posts. Check back for the guide on the ADC Laning Phase soon!