Saturday, November 30, 2013

Know Your Role - Current Meta: Introduction

Well, our website's name is League of Meta. We're going to start putting up extensive guides on your favorite roles and their correlation with the position you start on the map. Whether you're a top lane ADC, mid lane bruiser, or assassin jungler, I plan to help you understand your role, what you should be doing, and how to play in different team comps so you can be effective in killing the enemy nexus. Hopefully this also helps you open up your champ pool so you can not only pick champs you want to play, but also champs that go well with a specific team.

I'm currently compiling tips, tricks, and general decision making for bot lane's baby: the ADC. With a handful of players from different leagues and divisions, LoM will soon have a comprehensive guide on how to play as an ADC and what your job will be throughout the different stages of the game.

Check back soon for our first guide in this new series: Know Your Role - Current Meta.